Monday, July 28, 2008

Sportscenter: E-S-P-N

Ladies and Gentlemen if you were listening today to ESPN radio at 2:30 you would have heard the question posed, "What is the biggest question facing the Broncos this season?" The cool thing is if you would have listened a little longer you would have heard the question answer by your humble author. That's right I got on national radio. I called up and the bouncer producer asked me my name and where I'm from then I waited to hear from the host John Seibel on the program Sports Nation. John started off saying, "According to Sports Nation 50% of voters from Utah believe the biggest question this season has to do with Jay Cutler but you Spencer believe it's something else, what do you believe is the biggest question facing the Broncos this season?" Then I answered. In my next blog entry I'll go over my answer.


Oma said...

wow, i have never been on national radio, local TV news yes, unfortunately. I just chatted with Joanie, Wahoo, only two days.

Evenstar said...

That is cool! I personally believe the greatest threat the Broncos face is an invasion from outer space.