Sunday, April 13, 2008

Beards and Football

Beards are manly and football is manly. Heck only guys grow beards and play football so it is manly. When it comes to football I think of two real men of football. Two men in the trenches. Two defensive tackles. These guys are men.

Other football players wear beards today but none of them stand out to me like these two men. Mean Joe Greene and Merlin Olsen. Now granted they didn't always have a beard while they were playing but they just stick out. Its hard to say anyone sticks out today. Sure there are a couple of quarterbacks like the former Bronco
Jake "the snake" Plummer or even Big Ben Roethlisberger likes to grow one but they're just the golden boys of the team not the ones going through the gauntlet every play.

So here I am with the longest beard I've ever grown. (no picture is going on the blog) Its a favor to someone special in my life. I've got to say though that beards aren't all they're cracked up to be. They itch, get in the way, collect all sorts of things in them like food or germs. Then when you cut them off you get tons of zits. Not the sexiest thing. But hey some guys make it work for them.


Evenstar said...

So, Joanie convinced you to grow a beard. Hmmm. Do you have my Dad's permission to post his picture? :D

theriddle said...

I think you look so handsome my sweet. Thanks for not shaving.

The UnMighty said...

Thanks for the link to the "romance" videos. The "practice makes" almost put me to sleep but the one with the crippled guy made me cry like a chick watching Pride & Prejudice.