Monday, May 19, 2008

I won my first unofficial bike race

Yes I won my first unofficial race. I was commuting home from work headed north into the Avenues. I was stopped at 2100 south waiting for the light to change green when I noticed an aggressive bike rider in front of me. He got about a 20 second head start. He was the first real competion I'd ever seen making my commute and I wanted to beat him badly. His 20 second head start wasn't enough. I blew past him about 45 seconds later. It was like those car racing movies you see when one car hits the nitrous gas and race over. This was the point the race became official between us two.

Now I must admit he was at a competitive disadvantage. While I was riding a road race bike he was riding a mountain bike and had a backpack on. But let me tell you I rode like the wind. I actually reached a speed over the speed limit. I didn't want this guy catching me but the bicycle gods wanted to make this interesting. I finally reached a red light at 9th south and I stopped and looked back. The other guy was a whole block behind me. This is where he started cheating. He just went right through the red lights so I had to start chasing him. I'd get slowed down by having to re-click my bike cleat and he'd be off. My heart prevailed in the end. The last stretch was the hill going up from 1st south to South Temple. I zoomed past him and that was it. Game Set Match. I headed up into the avenues a champion but all that racing made me pay going up those steep avenue hills. When I reached home I was spent but it was well worth it.Anyone who goes cycling around the valley knows there is a certain pecking order in cycling. The really hard core guys are just heighty-tighty, too cool for school. I remember those guys from my past cycling with my mountain bike on roads. Those sons of guns would pass me and give me that stare and I couldn't catch up to them because of their advantage. Now I'm looking for some payback this summer. The Summer of Dunk and Payback. The cool cyclist will wave to you and don't take themselves too serious. I will admit that I look like a heighty-tighty with my skin tight outfit but I'm in it for the payback.

All right folks take care

My love throws me like a rubber ball
Oh oh oh the Sweetest Thing

1 comment:

Chelsey Christensen said...

Great story, do you have a mountain bike, Kevin has one. You guys should go biking sometime.